Health Union Urges New Minister Of Health Dr Aaron Motsoaledi To Speedily Implement Nhi

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health union urges new minister of health dr aaron motsoaledi to speedily implement nhi

By Simon Majadibodu

The Health and Allied Workers Indaba Trade Union (Haitu) has urged the newly appointed Minister of Health Dr Aaron Motsoaledi to initiate the implementation of the National Health Insurance as soon as possible.

President Cyril Ramaphosa appointed Motsoaledi as Minister of Health on Sunday night, during the announcement of the Government of National Unity Cabinet of the 7th administration. The Cabinet consists of ministers from the ANC, DA, IFP, PA, FF+, PAC and Good, while there are also deputy ministers from Al-Jama-ah and the UDM.

Motsoaledi, who was the Minister of Home Affairs in the 6th administration, is no stranger to the health portfolio, as he served as the Minister of Health from 2009 to 2019.

Dr Joe Phaahla, who served as Minister of Health during the 6th administration, has been assigned to the deputy position. Meanwhile, Leon Schreiber of the Democratic Alliance (DA) has been announced as the new Minister of Home Affairs.