health ministers no special deal for doctors remark draws criticism

Health Minister's 'no Special Deal For Doctors' Remark Draws Criticism

Minister of Health Dr Aaron Motsoaledi has been criticised for his remarks about the government being unable to employ every unemployed doctor in South Africa, citing a lack of funds to cover salaries.

In an interview with Newzroom Afrika , Motsoaledi expressed sympathy for unemployed doctors, stating that the primary reason for their unemployment was a shortage of financial resources.

To hire doctors, you need resources. In September, the Minister of Finance mentioned it, we have got very serious austerity measures and crippling budget cuts. This not only affects our capacity to hire doctors, but to complete a large number of functions. We do agree with the grievances of doctors, but in the final analysis, you cannot give a job for which you do not have the means to pay these people, he said.

I personally I am a doctor, I am a minister and I would like people to get employed but I do not want to give an impression that there is a special deal for some people because they are doctors. We also have unemployed nurses, unemployed social workers, all of them unfortunately because of austerity measures and budgetary constraints, he added.

According to IOL , the South African Medical Association Trade Union SAMATU was concerned about the 450 doctors who remained unemployed after completing their community service.