Health Beat #20 Shades Of Life Esidimeni: How The Gauteng Government Makes Up Its Own Social Welfare Funding Rules

75 Days(s) Ago    👁 105
health beat 20 shades of life esidimeni how the gauteng government makes up its own social welfare f

Gauteng social development department funding cuts are resulting in organisations looking after the elderly and disabled, as well as those helping people with substance abuse problems, having to close down.

In May, the Gauteng High Court ordered the provincial government to honour its agreements with such organisations, but its been slow to do this and some have been defunded.

We visit Freedom Recovery Centre near Nigel, Gauteng, where staff work without pay to keep residents on their rehab programmes.

It has shades of the Life Esidimeni fiasco, with the Gauteng Care Crisis Committee accusing the provincial social development department of making up its own rules for welfare funding.

In todays newsletter , our Health Beat team looks at how the Gauteng social development departments budget cuts are wreaking havoc on the provinces NPOs. Sign up now .