Golf Tourism: A Viable Add-on To Tour Packages

31 Days(s) Ago    👁 66
golf tourism a viable addon to tour packages

A healthy proportion of tourism industry respondents to our latest poll believe golf tourism could be a valuable add-on to tour packages. As SATSA is placing emphasis on promoting the niche sector as a potentially lucrative growth avenue, we reached out to our readers to find out if they believe golf tourism holds promise.

The largest proportion of poll respondents (43%) said they would consider golf tourism as a viable add-on to tour packages while 38% said they wouldnt and the remaining 19% were unsure.

South African golf operators and brands will be promoting their offerings at the International Golf Travel Market in Lisbon from October 14-17. SATSA is seeking partnership opportunities with SA Tourism to further market the sector to a global audience.

Clamp down needed on short-term rentals?

An explosion of short-term rental accommodation in Cape Town is prompting concerns about rising property prices, transformation of areas in the city to transient zones and an increased risk of over-tourism.

However, FEDHASA and other tourism stakeholders have pointed out that the market provides major benefits for tourism, supporting South Africas post-Covid recovery and the sectors extensive value chain.