Genitalia From Girls Mutilated In Ivory Coast Sold For Magic

5 Days(s) Ago    👁 37
genitalia from girls mutilated in ivory coast sold for magic

When he was a witch doctor, Moussa Diallo would regularly smear himself in a lotion made from a clitoris cut from a girl subjected to female genital mutilation.

'I wanted to be a big chief, I wanted to dominate,' said the small but charismatic 50-something from northwest Ivory Coast.

'I put it on my face and body' every three months or so 'for about three years', said Diallo, who asked AFP not to use his real name.

Genitalia cut from girls in illegal 'circumcision' ceremonies is used in several regions of the West African country to 'make love potions' or magic ointments that some believe will help them 'make money or reach high political office', said Labe Gneble, head of the National Organisation for Women, Children and the Family (ONEF).

A ground down clitoris can sell for up to around $170 (152 euros or around R3,046), the equivalent of what many in Ivory Coast earn in a month.