Fund Research Not Tesla Trucks: The Hiv Casualties Of Trumps War On Science

fund research not tesla trucks the hiv casualties of trumps war on science

This year there were empty seats at the prestigious Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Croi, in San Francisco, where groundbreaking HIV research gets presented.

Missing from the conference: people working for US government agencies, such as the National Institutes of Health NIH, Centres for Disease Control and Prevention and the United States Agency for International Development, that funded much of the research presented.

Over the past seven weeks, the Trump administration cut travel budgets and laid off hundreds of staff including the heads of all of the agencies.

Although some attended online, and the conference organisers imposed no restrictions on what researchers could and couldnt say, some US government-funded presentations were retracted others were redacted, had their titles changed, or the names of government authors removed.

Most of this centered around groups of people President Trump doesnt like or acknowledge like transgender people.

And, Science magazine reports health researchers who work in South Africa are on red alert after hearing last week the NIH could terminate all grants that fund work in the country.

In todays newsletter , Mia Malan explains why there were empty seats at this years Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections Croi. Sign up for our newsletter today.

In Yerba Buena Gardens , two blocks of public parks and playgrounds in San Franciscos downtown art district, Mark Harrington rallies the crowd of about 400.

Research is under attack! What do we do? he shouts into the microphone.

Act up, fight back, they respond.

People with Aids are under attack. What do we do, Harrington calls out.