From Sticky Menus To Filthy Bathrooms: 10 Signs Of A Dirty Restaurant

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from sticky menus to filthy bathrooms 10 signs of a dirty restaurant

Greasy spoons and quirky holes-in-the-wall may have their charm, but once they cross into 'public health hazard' territory, it's best to steer clear.

It may seem straightforward: just look around, and if the place seems dirty, then it is. However, its not always immediately obvious if a restaurant is poorly maintained . Some major red flags might not be immediately noticeable.

Here are 10 ways to identify a dirty restaurant

1. Dirty menus

Maintaining clean menus is basic. If theyre stained, sticky, or in bad shape, it's a red flag. Menus are handled by hundreds of people, and if not regularly cleaned or replaced (in the case of paper menus), youre picking up germs from everyone whos touched it.

2. Anything sticky

If your table, menu, seat, or condiments are sticky, theyre not clean.