From Pretoria And Beyond, Chef Charmaine Is Making The World Her Oyster

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from pretoria and beyond chef charmaine is making the world her oyster

Charmaine Lehabe is living proof that, armed with a Diploma in Food Preparation and Cooking, the world is your oyster and there to be explored and enjoyed.

The 29-year-old chef, born and raised in Pretoria has, since graduating in 2019, travelled the world, living and working in the US and UK, with periods in-between spent back home as a caterer, a private chef and a food consultant.

Lehabes love for food began home, where her grandmothers influence laid the foundation for her culinary dreams.

Food was always a part of our lives, Lehabe recalled fondly.

From baking biscuits with my grandmother to making scones, those kitchen moments were magical.