Flysafair And Lift Resume Normal Check-ins After Big Flight Delays

flysafair and lift resume normal checkins after big flight delays

FlySafair and LIFT have resumed normal check-in processes after a system-related outage caused big flight delays over the weekend.

Airports Company South Africa ACSA confirmed in a notice on Monday morning 17 March that the check-in system was now fully operational.

FlySafair and LIFT flight delays resolved

Technical teams will continue to monitor the system to ensure smooth operations, ACSA added.

Late on Sunday, FlySafair also confirmed that the software issue had been resolved.

A third-party software upgrade impacted the check-in systems of both FlySafair and another airline, requiring us to implement backup processes, including partial manual check-ins. This resulted in slightly longer processing times than usual, it explained.

Thanks to the patience of our valued customers, the dedication of our airport teams, and the support of Airports Company South Africa and other stakeholders, 98 percent of our departures remained on time today.

During the outage, travellers were advised to arrive at airports at least three hours before departure for regional flights and at least two hours before departure for domestic flights.

ACSA advised travellers to download its mobile app and subscribe to flight notifications to receive live travel updates.

It also advised them to contact FlySfair and LIFT directly for airline-related queries.