Financial Professionals Are The Changemakers Of The Future

9 Days(s) Ago    👁 101
financial professionals are the changemakers of the future

A recent conversation with a group of young people brought to my attention how little awareness there is about what the financial industry does and can do.

A young man thinking about what to study at university said the financial sector didn't interest him as it 'was all about money and making profit'. While that certainly might have been the case once, much has changed since then.

The movement towards sustainable finance, green and ethical investment, inclusive financial products and more innovative financial instruments has gained momentum globally, and South Africa is catching up fast.

The Global Financial Crisis in 2007-2008 highlighted how greed and unsound practices could ruin lives and exacerbate inequality.

Meanwhile, the increases in natural disasters and extreme temperatures linked to climate change have pressured the business world to show more commitment to protecting natural resources and minimising its effects on communities.