Film Review Mamelodi: A Timeline Of Heroes Shines Light On Township's Cultural Legacy

52 Days(s) Ago    👁 63
film review mamelodi a timeline of heroes shines light on townships cultural legacy

Lebo Magolegos directorial debut Mamelodi: A Timeline of Heroes is a short documentary that serves as a much-needed crash-course into the rich cultural heritage of the South African community of Mamelodi.

The filmmaker brings together an eclectic collection of personalities to tell its story from the perspectives of the sons and daughters of the soil. One of the main interviewees in the film is Aubrey Mogase.

The Mamelodi-born and bred historian is the author of multiple books on the history and heritage of Mamelodi, his first being Mamelodi: Reflections of a Lifetime. His passionate efforts to preserve the history of the town inspired the filmmaker to take up this project. He also serves as a producer on the film.

Originally inhabited by the native San people, the documentary takes us through the establishment of Mamelodi, or at the time Gamelodi, by the migrant AmaNdebele led by King Musi Mabena in the 1400s.

The historically-black communitys pre-colonial historical, social and cultural evolution is briefly explored providing a mosaic of multicultural roots of the people of Mamelodi.