Fake Goods Threaten South Africas Fashion Industries

fake goods threaten south africas fashion industries

Counterfeit goods are wreaking havoc across multiple South African industries, from fashion to electronics, costing businesses billions and undermining the country's creative and industrial sectors.

According to the Consumer Goods Council of South Africa CGCSA, it is estimated that counterfeiting could account for as much as 10 of the South African economy.

Fashion designers, including MaXhosa Africas Laduma Ngxokolo, have stepped up their fight against fake products that dilute their brand value and cultural significance, following a discovery of some of his wares being sold on Johannesburgs Small Street.

Ngxokolo says, Counterfeit goods dont just threaten our businesses, they undermine our culture and creativity. Our designs carry stories and heritage that cannot be replicated."

MaXhosa Africa, known for its bold celebration of Xhosa heritage, did not only make waves at Paris Fashion Week with its new collection Umbulelo collection, but is also confronting the counterfeit fashion crisis head-on.