Fair Trade Tourism Broadens Reach To Small Businesses

fair trade tourism broadens reach to small businesses

Fair Trade Tourism FTT aims to broaden the reach of its globally recognised responsible tourism certification programme with the expansion of its entry-level certificate, FTT Engaged, piloted in Uganda last year.

FTT Engaged is designed to make the responsible tourism journey more accessible and actionable for businesses of all sizes.

Recognising that many enterprises, especially small and community-based, struggle to meet FTTs internationally recognised sustainability standards, FTT Engaged provides a framework focused on actions and impact as opposed to more advanced management systems. This enables all businesses to show that they are on the journey to integrating fair and responsible tourism practices into their operations, said FTTs Communications and Engagement Coordinator Rachel Nxele .

Ugandan operators Adrift River Camp and Lemala Wildwaters Lodge were the first tourism businesses to earn the award in December 2024 after meeting more than 50 of FTTs criteria. This was followed by Ugandan tourism company Acholi Homestay and Experience, operated by Loremi Tours, which offers immersive community-led experiences.

By participating in FTT Engaged, businesses can progressively align with FTTs principles. The approach not only fosters inclusivity in the tourism sector but also strengthens the regions positioning as a leader in fair and responsible tourism, said Nxele.