Eldorado Park Sgb Forum Threatens To Shutdown Schools

18 Days(s) Ago    👁 61
eldorado park sgb forum threatens to shutdown schools

The Eldorado Park Schools Governing Body Forum, South of Johannesburg, is threatening to shut down all schools in the area, and disrupt ongoing matric preliminary exams, if Gauteng Education MEC Matome Chiloane, does not meet with them by tomorrow.

The forum is demanding that Chiloane discuss ill-disciplined learners in schools, who they say are holding schools hostage with their behaviour.

Spokesperson for the Eldorado Park Schools SGB Forum, Charis Pretorius says, Weve had incidents of shooting, incidents of stabbings, and just recently, we had three classrooms gutted by fire, that unfortunately was started by three learners at the school.

Pretorius says, Now, the biggest challenge here is that the Department of Education is basically turning a blind eye to the challenges that we are facing, especially our district office. They dont come out, theres no trauma counseling, theres no support received by the schools from the district office. So, weve said well if the district is not going to come to us, maybe the MEC will hear our cry, when it comes to securing our schools, and also ensuring that certain things happen, when it comes to the safety of not just learners but educators at our schools as well, He adds.