Eff Survived Tough Election Run Against Financed Opposition Out To Destroy' Red Berets, Says Malema

42 Days(s) Ago    👁 78
eff survived tough election run against financed opposition out to destroy red berets says malema

EFF leader Julius Malema has blamed the partys misfortunes in the May 29 elections on well-financed opposition parties, saying they were out to destroy his party.

Speaking at the EFFs 11 th anniversary celebrations at Ar Abass Sports Stadium in Kimberley on Saturday, Malema said the EFF put up a fight in this years elections not only against the ANC but also against well financed opposition parties and newly formed parties.

The red berets faced their harshest general election this year. In its first national election in 2014 the EFF received 1,169,259 votes which was 6.35 % of the overall votes cast.

In 2019, the party's support grew and it garnered 10.80% [1,882,480] of the vote. In this years election, the red berets were kicked out of their spot as the third biggest party in the country by Jacob Zumas MK Party, receiving received 9,52% [ 3,090,020] of the vote.

Comrades you fought a good fight, there was money everywhere. Millions and millions were taken out because they wanted to destroy the EFF to a point where all parties that were formed, were formed to fight the EFF. An official opposition [DA] declared a small opposition enemy number 1. The Oppenheimers and the Ruperts took out a lot of money just to stop the EFF, Malema told party supporters.