Eff Eyes Ekurhuleni Mayoral Seat

eff eyes ekurhuleni mayoral seat

The Economic Freedom Fighters EFF in Ekurhuleni is considering using a motion of no confidence in mayor Nkosindiphile Xhakaza, of the ANC, to gain political ground ahead of the 2026 local government elections.

EFF Gauteng chairperson Nkululeko Dunga said although the party had not received official communication about the motion, it would field its own candidate for mayor should Xhakaza, who assumed office last April, be ousted.

The Independent Citizen Movement filed the motion to remove the mayor earlier this month, accusing him of plunging Ekurhuleni into debt and failing to settle an Eskom debt, which now stands at R2.3 billion. The African Christian Democratic Party ACDPseconded the motion.

If an opportunity arises for the EFF to step up at any given level to govern or take the mayoral chains, were willing to step up because we have shown that were extremely capable of government, said Dunga.

This would also see his return to the mayoral committee after he was removed last year.