Edo 2024: Ill Break Cycle Of Economic Stagnation Izedonmwen, Adc Candidate

2 Days(s) Ago    👁 48

By Japhet Davidson

THE African DemocraticCongress, ADC, governorship candidate in the September 21 election in Edo State, Mr. Osarenren Derek Izedonmwen has pledged to break the cycle of economic stagnation with robust investments in Agriculture, Industrialization, and Infrastructure, coupled with strong security measures to ensure growth and stability, if elected.

According to him: The vision for Edo State is cleartransform the state into a beacon of economic resilience through strategic investments in Agriculture, Industrialisation, and Infrastructure, all underpinned by an unwavering commitment to Security.

This comprehensive approach will not only stabilize Edos economy but also serve as a model for the rest of Nigeria. However, the realization of these plans demands not just any leadership but the right leadership. Edo needs leaders who are not merely content with understanding what needs to be done but are adept at knowing how to execute these plans effectively. Leaders who are deliberate, focused, and steadfast in their pursuit of rapid development.

As we approach the upcoming elections, it is crucial that the people of Edo look for these qualities in their next governor. By ensuring a secure and prosperous Edo, we pave the way for a secure and prosperous nation. Edo State, is not bereft of resources but of innovative ideas and transformational leadershipleaders who are prepared, ready to serve, and act decisively in the best interests of our state, and Osarenren Derek Izedonmwen is the one.