E Cape Education In Makanda High Court Over Scholar Transport Woes

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e cape education in makanda high court over scholar transport woes

The High Court in Makhanda in the Eastern Cape will today hear the matter between the Khula Development Project and three schools represented by the Legal Resources Centre against the MEC for Education in the province, Fundile Gade.

This is over challenges in the Scholar Transport Programme . Learners often miss out on time in the classroom when services providers do not pick them up due to non-payment by the Transport department.

Khula Development Project Director, Petros Majola says over forty thousand learners are affected by the issue in the province.

We expect to see the court deciding in our favour as we are there to make a statement and fight for more than forty thousand scholars who qualify for scholar transport but are not ferried to and from school, remember that some of those kids come from very difficult backgrounds some of them do not have parents. Some of them depend on social grants etc so they take the money which they are meant to buy the food with and hire private transport.

EC Scholar Transport Programme