Dumping Big Retail For Small Businesses And Loving It!

dumping big retail for small businesses and loving it

This Ramadan, Gasant Abarder found himself falling in love with small, independently owned businesses he's built up a relationship with over the years and realised that the less we rely on the big monopolies that run every industry in the retail sector, the more they'll stop gouging prices.

I have the most incredible relationship with the family-owned pet store where I buy raw food for my huskies. Apart from being the cheapest in town, the best part about the owners of Pet Aquaria in Imam Haron Road, Claremont, is they know each customer who walks into the store.

'The usual for you?' is something you'll often hear from behind the counter before exchanging pleasantries and asking about your family. Each time, there is a lollipop for the kids and sometimes I even get a discount on items.

This is what a successful business should look like. Relationships with customers who keep coming back because the price is right and the service is exceptional.

Another regular is my butcher, Shoukut's Meat Market in Crawford. They already know exactly how I want my half lamb cut and there's always football banter with the chap who carves up the meat. The ladies behind the counter know me well and often ask about the family too.