Do You Buy Duduzile Zuma-sambudlas Apology For Insulting Floyd Shivambu?

do you buy duduzile zumasambudlas apology for insulting floyd shivambu

Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla, daughter of MK Party leader Jacob Zuma, has issued a public apology to the party leadership and Zuma for her derogatory social media posts about secretary-general Floyd Shivambu after saying he is the worst thing that has happened to the party.

The party ordered her to apologise or face disciplinary action.

As a committed and disciplined member of the MK Party, I hereby extend this unconditional public apology to president Zuma and MK Party leadership for the profanity used in my recent posts on X, she said.

However, the apology did not directly address Shivambu, sparking concerns about the sincerity of her remorse.

Earlier this week, Zuma-Sambudla took to X and insulted Shivambu.