denise zimbas heartbreak daughters set to return to germany amid custody tugofwar

Denise Zimba's Heartbreak: Daughters Set To Return To Germany Amid Custody Tug-of-war

Denise Zimbas battle with her estranged husband , Jakob Schlichtig, has taken an even more painful turn.

Earlier this year, the former 'Generations' actress and TV presenter publicly revealed some of the betrayals that led to their divorce, including allegations that Schlichtig had an affair with her childhood friend, Mpumi Mdluli.

While Zimba made it clear that she had no regrets about leaving him, the situation regarding custody of their children has become even more distressing.

According to reports, the Johannesburg High Court has ruled in favour of Schlichtig, granting him the right to take their two daughters - aged five years and 19 months - back with him to Germany.

Women For Change, a South African organisation advocating for womens rights and the fight against gender-based violence, has expressed its support for Zimba as she continues to challenge the ruling.