Deadlock In Gnu Talks Between Anc-da Not Surprising

2 Days(s) Ago    👁 52
deadlock in gnu talks between ancda not surprising

The Executive Director of the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation, Neeshan Balton, says the current deadlock in government of national unity (GNU) negotiations between the African National Congress (ANC) and the Democratic Alliance (DA) is not surprising.

President Cyril Ramaphosa lashed out at DA leader John Steenhuisen in a letter sent earlier this week, saying that he believes the party has jeopardised the GNU.

This comes after the DAs letter listing its demands for joining the GNU was leaked.

Balton says, "I think it was expected that this was not going to be plain sailing. Posturing around coalitions, posturing around the number of seats should have been an expected part of this process. I am hopeful that the intended common ground that the GNU had been premised on in the statement of intent will get people back to sanity."