Da Welcomes Siu's Gauteng Human Settlements Dept Probe

2 Days(s) Ago    👁 57
da welcomes sius gauteng human settlements dept probe

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Gauteng says it is pleased with President Cyril Ramaphosas decision to authorise the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to probe mismanagement allegations at the Gauteng Human Settlements Department.

The SIU investigation will look into the awarding of two tenders by the department.

These include tenders for the construction of 150 ablution and sanitation facilities at the Sicelo Shiceka informal settlement and the construction of 180 walk units at Sicelo Shiceka Extension 5.

The DA's Gauteng Shadow MEC for Human Settlements, Mervyn Cirota, hopes this will not be another prolonged investigation that leads to no prosecution.

Cirota says, The proclamations authorise the SIU, an independent statutory body that investigates allegations of corruption at government-run institutions, to recover any financial losses suffered by the state."