Creecy Tackles Ongoing Atns-related Delays

2 Days(s) Ago    👁 55
creecy tackles ongoing atnsrelated delays

Flight delays continue at South African airports due to the suspension of instrument approach procedures, while Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) plan to complete its maintenance backlog awaits industry comment, and finally, implementation.

Minister of Transport, Barbara Creecy , held a meeting late last week with aviation industry representatives for ATNS to share its turnaround plan to address its backlog in instrument flight procedure maintenance and the ongoing flight delays at airports across the country.

Industry representatives, including Barsa, AASA, SACAA and Acsa, were taken through the plan and received updates on approvals and pending approvals for various airports' flight procedures. The aviation industry has until September 16 to offer comment on the plan.

Minister Creecy is to receive biweekly reports on the progress and implementation of the plan.