Corruption Watch Welcomes Zizi Kodwas Resignation

114 Days(s) Ago    👁 68
corruption watch welcomes zizi kodwas resignation

Civil society organisation Corruption Watch has welcomed the immediate resignation of former Sports, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa .

Kodwa resigned with immediate effect yesterday after being formally charged with corruption.


Zizi Kodwa resigns as Sport, Arts and Culture minister

Mr Zizi Kodwa, MP, announces his immediate resignation as Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture. This comes as Mr Kodwa challenges the charges against him, which he strongly denies.

- Department of Sport, Arts and Culture (@SportArtsCultur) June 5, 2024

Kodwa and his co-accused Jehan Mackay appeared in the Johannesburg Specialised Commercial Crimes Court sitting in Palm Ridge yesterday.

The charges are in relation to the recommendations against him in the State Capture Report and corruption allegations in connection to bribery amounting to R1.6 million.

Executive Director at Corruption Watch, Karam Singh, says delays in prosecuting high-profile people do not bode well for a state of democratic governance.

We dont have a seamless criminal justice system where we move swiftly from allegation to investigation to prosecution. So this is what we need to see going forward if were going to make any progress in the fight against corruption. We need these processes to unfold in a much more seamless way without these kinds of delays. Because obviously there are implications when you have high-profile people with these kinds of allegations over their heads who remain in their positions. Its not good governance.

PODCAST | Corruption Watch reacts to Kodwas resignation:

ANC notes resignation

Meanwhile, African National Congress (ANC) spokesperson Mahlengi Bhengu-Motsiri says the party's constitution will kick in on such matters.

"We have noted the arrest of Zizi Kodwa and the step-aside will apply, so the ANC constitution will kick in."

VIDEO | Zizi Kodwa resigns as minister after arrest and court appearance: