convention aims to address divisions in khoi and san community

Convention Aims To Address Divisions In Khoi And San Community

CoGTA Minister Velenkosini Hlabisa is convening a national convention of Khoi and San leaders to discuss and find long-term solutions to the issues they have raised, including recognition.

The three-day gathering seeks among others to have Khoi and San community speaking with one voice, opening doors for them to participate in the countrys decision-making processes, like other ethnic groups, as well as ensuring their full recognition.

A fragmented and divided ethnic group, it's a difficult task before the Khoi and the San community over the next three days to find a common ground and to be officially recognised and fully participate in the countrys politics.

Fraught with divisions, the communities have many groupings including the Cape Khoi, the Griqua, the Nama, the Korana and the San, making it difficult for government to engage them as a collective.

But Hlabisa says their deliberations over the three-days have three objectives.