concerns over companies non compliance to pension fund contributions

Concerns Over Companies Non Compliance To Pension Fund Contributions

Many trade unions are concerned that some companies are continuing their non-compliance in paying contributions to pension fund and medical insurance benefits.

The South African Transport and Allied Workers Union SATAWU has called on government to urgently review its tender process for security companies.

Yesterday, SATAWU joined other unions including NUMSA in a protest outside Parliament against some security companies alleged non-compliance.

SATAWU National Security Coordinator, Philemon Bhembe says, Now, we are saying to the treasury, tighten up your tendering process. Make sure when you award a tender, it ticks all the boxes. Make sure that you appoint companies that are compliant. Check if the company is registered with the bargaining council. Check if the company is deducting and registered with the provident fund and whether the company is medical cover compliant. Those are the things we want the Treasury to look at.

Unions protest against non-compliance in security sector: