committee to ensure dpsa executes lifestyle audits on govt officials

Committee To Ensure Dpsa Executes Lifestyle Audits On Govt Officials

The Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration has vowed to ensure the Department of Public Service and Administration DPSA implementation of l ifestyle audits of government officials.

It says it will invoke relevant legislation to ensure accountability for the implementation of lifestyle audits.

Committee Chairperson, Jan Naude de Villiers says this is among the main objectives of the committee in the seventh Parliament.

De Villiers says, It is not my committee that has to execute the lifestyle audits. It is the Department of Public Service and Administration and ultimately it is the responsibility of the national government or local government departments that needs to get the necessary skills, and have the objective on what it is done, to find where there are issues with life style audits. I think it is important, that not having a life style audit done is actual the root of the big big problem.