Citrusdal Access Update: Some Routes Reopen, Repairs On The Horizon

42 Days(s) Ago    👁 64
citrusdal access update some routes reopen repairs on the horizon

Two of the four major routes to Citrusdal have been reopened and a third will be opened today, weather and water-level permitting.

This is according to the latest road status update by the Western Cape Department of Infrastructure, which states that repairs to the damaged roads could start as soon as Tuesday, 30 July 2024.

Access to Citrusdal was again severed earlier this month following heavy rains and flooding, one year after access roads were washed away. In 2023, the section between the 112.84- and 112.93-kilometre markers washed away and was successfully rebuilt.

This year, this section withstood the flooding. However, the section between the 112.74- and 112.84-kilometre markers washed away and must now be rebuilt. The full section that suffered some form of damage is between the 12.6- and 13.36-kilometre markers.

Water levels need to sufficiently drop to rebuild this section, where the river broke its banks. The Western Cape Government reports that water levels have dropped to such an extent that berms could be put back into place and repairs can now start.