Cervical Cancer: Ondo Lunches Hpv Vaccine Into Routine Immunisation

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cervical cancer ondo lunches hpv vaccine into routine immunisation
Cervical Cancer: Ondo Lunches HPV Vaccine into Routine Immunisation

Ondo State has through the Ondo State Primary Health Care Development Agency (OSPHCDA) announced the lunch of Vaccine into routine immunisation on 27 May, 2024.

The agency stated this on her official Facebook page while stressing that initiative aims to protect girls from cervical cancer and other HPV related diseases.

We are pleased to announce the official launch of the HPV vaccination into routine immunisation in Ondo State via the Ondo State Primary Health Care Development Agency (OSPHCDA) on May 27th, 2024. This initiative aims to protect our girls aged 9-14 from Cervical Cancer and other HPV-related diseases, it said.

It further informed the public that vaccination sites are all PHCs across the state, as well as designated outreach sites in schools and community centres.

Parents/guardians/caregivers are urged to take their girls aged 9-14 to the nearest vaccination site for this life-saving vaccine which is free, safe, and highly effective.