Capenature Invites Proposals From Activity-based Tourism Ventures

38 Days(s) Ago    👁 90
capenature invites proposals from activitybased tourism ventures

CapeNature, embarking on a new venture into activity-based tourism, is actively seeking proposals from operators interested in this emerging business sector.

The request for proposals focuses on concessionaire opportunities in activities related to adventure, culture and heritage and events aligned with CapeNatures annual strategic plan.

Meet several criteria

Prospective business partners must meet several criteria: an environmentally conscious business model, proven skills and experience in managing similar operations and a minimum of three years of tourism experience in the adventure or cultural and heritage tourism sectors with a successful track record.

Additionally, they must provide their own skilled staff, preferably sourced from the local community closest to the selected reserve, and have a comprehensive operational model. This model should include a mapped booking process with terms and conditions, a safety guide and an emergency incidents model.

Ability to independently market the proposed activity and an overview of the marketing strategy and plan are also required. Furthermore, all relevant accreditation and insurances, such as public liability, must be in place.