cape towns formula one comeback is it happening

Cape Town's Formula One Comeback: Is It Happening?

Cape Town Grand Prix South Africa CTGPSA has undertaken to submit an official bid to the Bid Steering Committee BSC for the return of Formula One to South Africa, Cape town Etc reports.

This follows after the Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture Gayton McKenzie announced his intention to see Formula 1 back in the country for the first time since 1993, earlier last year.

Should the bid be successful, Cape Town could be set to host a Formula 1 race. CTGPSA has drafted plans for a 5.7km street circuit in the Green Point Sport Tourism Precinct, where the Formula E race took place in 2023.

The CTGPSA further confirmed written support and endorsement from the Western Cape Governments Director of Sports Promotion, TD Tutu, to host the F1 Grand Prix.

Commenting on the matter and the personal support offered by McKenzie, the CTGPSA CEO, Igshaan Amlay, said, with local and international support, we are ready to take the next step in making this dream a reality.