Cape Town: Tourism Balancing Act Needed

29 Days(s) Ago    👁 93
cape town tourism balancing act needed

The astounding statistics surrounding the number of Airbnb-listed properties in Cape Town have raised discussions about the benefit of short-term rentals, the need for regulations, and the importance of balancing tourism with community benefits.

According to Inside Airbnb , Cape Town has 23564 listings (exceeding the numbers in Berlin and Barcelona) that go for an average price of R2367 per night.

Airbnb reports that there are no specific short-term rental regulations in South Africa and that, in 2019, Cape Town implemented a by-law allowing short-term lets for a maximum of 30 days. Despite this, Inside Airbnb reports that its Cape Town listings receive an average of 41 nights per booking.

ENCA 's Dan Corder Show claims that the number of Airbnbs in Cape Town is contributing to a housing crisis.

According to an Airbnb spokesperson, listings on Airbnb account for less than 3% of housing in Cape Town, and Cape Town and Johannesburg are the top two origin cities for Airbnb renters in Cape Town.