Campus Monde Review Ivorian Hopefuls Battle To Get Elusive Immigration Visas
Moving film follows an Ivory Coast agency steering students and professionals through rules heavily stacked against those applying the right way from the global south In the city of Abidjan in Ivory Coast, large advertising banners for immigration specialists are posted all over town. Reflecting a collective desire for better opportunities abroad, the existence of these services speaks to the difficulty of navigating the visa application process on your own.
Covering the day-to-day of one such agency, Ntifafa YE Glikous insightful and deeply moving film reveals the colossal hurdles faced by Ivorians who want to migrate to the global north. Instead of focusing on a single case, Campus Monde follows a series of consulting sessions with different applicants. Deliberately undramatic in its approach, this structure showcases how visa challenges are not an individual obstacle but rather a systematic one.
For example, for those who would like to enrol in a university abroad, an acceptance letter and a strong academic background are not enough. Furthermore, the stress of the visa interview also weighs heavily on applicants minds a moment of hesitation or nervousness could cost them their dreams.