cabinet to have a special meeting on monday to finalize the budget

Cabinet To Have A Special Meeting On Monday, To Finalize The Budget

Cabinet and Treasury will have a special meeting on Monday to finalize the countrys budget. This follows the postponement of the Budget Speech, which was moved from the 19th of February, to the 12th of March.

During the post Cabinet briefing held in Parliament today, Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said Cabinet wanted to collectively address the countrys fiscal environment.

Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni wants to allay fears about further tension in the cabinet over the new budget speech .

"In Cabinet, we dont have political parties, and we dont have people representing political parties. We have members of Cabinet appointed by the president of the republic, who serve at the pleasure of the republic, as prescribed by the president's act. That allows him to appoint members of the Cabinet to act collectively within in cabinet. And that has been made clear. Nobody is bringing a party jacket. We want to represent the interests of all South Africans," says Ntshavheni.

This special meeting will take place on Monday the 3rd of March.