Brand South Africa: Stability Above All Else

2 Days(s) Ago    👁 53
brand south africa stability above all else

In the past couple of weeks and months, South Africa has displayed three qualities that are critical for attraction of investments: political and financial stability, as well as strong democratic institutions, including courts, for a democracy to function.

The period leading up to the elections, the announcement of results, as well as the first sitting of parliament and the final announcement of the Government of National Unity (GNU), has been an admirable display of political stability.

Another feature on display that investors also watch closely is the functioning of courts, for the resolution of cases, disputes, enforcement of contracts right up to labour matters and tax. During the election season, the Electoral Court as well as the Constitutional Court needed to address all matters efficiently and timeously to allow the election process to proceed seamlessly.

We must not take for granted what we have just witnessed: for the first time in three decades, a governing party lost its majority and had to negotiate the sharing of power with opposition parties. This is a sign of a maturing democracy we can all be proud of.

The architects of South Africas constitution knew that a time may come when there could be a need to form a coalition government. What they could not have anticipated was when or how that may come about.