Botswana Govt Calls For Vigilance On Roads Following Limpopo Crash

89 Days(s) Ago    👁 53
botswana govt calls for vigilance on roads following limpopo crash

The Botswana Minister for State President, Kabo Morwaeng, has urged all motorists to be vigilant when using roads. This after a horiffic bush crash on the R518 at the Mma Matlakala Bridge, between Marken and Mokopane.

Forty five Botswana citizens died and only an eight-year-old child survived on Thursday.

They were enroute to Moria when a bus fell off the bridge in Limpopo.

Limpopo Bus Crash | 8-year-old bus crash survivor in good hands: Health MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba:

Morwaeng says the government of Botswana has also raised concerns on how people drive on the roads.

Another thing that has concerned the government and the President is how we drive here at home. A request is that especially now during holidays we have many accidents starting from yesterday. Lets take precautions on the roads.

The government of Botswana says it will give support to the families of people who died in an bus crash in Limpopo.

The Botswana minister of defence and security, Kagiso Mmusi says, South African government, the police and the church will continue to engage and also our government will discuss how we going to repatriate the deceased to have a decent send off to their final resting place from their families.

Botswana President Mokgweetsi Masisi has conveyed his condolences to those affected and wished a speedy recovery to the only survivor.

Limpopo Bus Crash | Botswana President sends condolences: