Basic Education Minister Warns Of A Pending National Crisis

3 Hour(s) Ago    👁 23
basic education minister warns of a pending national crisis

The Basic Education Minister, Siviwe Gwarube, claimed that the education system is facing severe pressure as budget cuts begin to curb education outcomes.

The minister further claimed that by 2027, most South African provinces will not be able to afford their budgets Cape {town} Etc reports.

On Wednesday 25 September, Gwarube held a press briefing to confront a harsh reality. She stated that the recent budgetary pressure has been oncoming for years as aggressive budget cuts, economic stagnation and fiscal mismanagement across the government have began to take their toll.

She goes on to say that these cuts should not merely be viewed as fewer numbers on a spreadsheet as they practically result in fewer teachers, reduced textbooks and less administrative support staff.

When combined these issues ultimately result in the reduction of learning and teaching time in classrooms and thereby education outcomes are negatively impacted.