Astro-tourism Strategy Gazetted

17 Days(s) Ago    👁 59
astrotourism strategy gazetted

South Africas draft astro-tourism strategy has been gazetted for public comment , marking a significant step forward in the development of the niche sector as a catalyst for rural tourism and agri-tourism growth.

Launched by Minister of Tourism Patricia de Lille , the strategy aims to position the country as a world-class destination for astro-tourism.

Gazetting of the strategy coincided with the Department of Tourisms World Tourism Day celebrations in the Northern Cape town of Carnarvon on September 27.

The vision of the strategy is to develop and position an inclusive astro-tourism sector that will yield sustainable benefit-sharing opportunities by maximising marketing efforts and enhancing visitor experiences in South Africa, said De Lille at the launch.

South Africa is the first African country to launch such a strategy seeking, in particular, to leverage the unspoilt night skies of the Northern Cape, the scientific significance of the provinces ground-breaking Square Kilometre Array SKA project and cultural storytelling linked to the celestial realm.