As A Young Adult: Should You Buy Or Rent A Home?

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as a young adult should you buy or rent a home

Now that you are an adult, moving out of your parents home becomes one of the next steps to your independence. So, the question arises: should you buy or rent your own home at this stage of your life?

Most buyers aged 35 years and younger are new entrants to the property market and 70% of first-time buyers fall within this age group, according to Lightstone Information Solutions.

Owning a home can bring a sense of stability and security, in knowing that you have a place where you can put down roots, possibly with a partner and raise a family.

The opportunity to personalise your living space and have greater control over your lifestyle is appealing, especially if you spent years renting from a landlord.

Owning a home can be a significant investment opportunity too, provided that the property appreciates in value.