Art And The Sustainable Development Goals

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art and the sustainable development goals

In light of the slow pace of reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it is vital to step back and pay attention to the range of opportunities available in the cultural and creative industries (CCIs) including the performing and audio-visual arts, crafts, advertising, design, architecture, books, media and software and explore how best they can be marshalled for the good of humanity.

These industries can be drivers and enablers of inclusive growth, social development and solution-based innovation. They can valorise life-enhancing values, give hope in the face of despair, and model behaviour that is needed for resilience and problem-solving. The arts can be used in health promotion, better agricultural methods, climate change mitigation and the enhancement of peace and security.

Although the CCIs are not explicitly anchored in the SDGs, they can have an important role in this global agenda. They can spur economic growth, social inclusion and environmental protection by increasing awareness, influencing behaviour, challenging inequalities and advocating for more equitable societies.

Thematic concerns such as respect for human rights, food security, healthcare for all, clean energy and gender equity can be addressed persuasively through the arts to encourage reflection and action. But this will only happen if nations individually and collectively pay attention and invest in arts and culture.

Culture which is expressed through the arts in their various forms accounts for approximately 3.1% of global GDP and 6.2% of all employment, especially among the youth. According to the UNCTAD 2022 Outlook Report, creative industries make a significant contribution to international trade in goods. World exports of creative goods increased from $208bn in 2002 to $524bn in 2020.