Another Win For L'oreal Sa In Copycat Claim

21 Days(s) Ago    👁 63
another win for loreal sa in copycat claim

The Advertising Appeals Committee has upheld the Advertising Regulatory Board's ARB's ruling in favour of L'Oreal South Africa, which previously complained that a rival's products copied the packaging of its CERAVE skincare range.

Competitor Nutriwomen appealing the ARB's May ruling that found its Dermacare packaging substantially copied the packaging of the brand, which was available locally since the start of 2022.

The 15 October ruling by the Advertising Appeals Committee, which is a committee of the ARB that reviews all appeals against rulings by the ARB's directorate, may not be the end of the matter.

Nutriwomen still has the option of another final appeals process to contest the latest ruling. But if this then fails, Nutriwomen will be ordered to change the offending packaging within three months.

In its ruling agreeing with the original findings of the ARB, the Advertising Appeals Committee said the CERAVE and DERMACARE products at issue in this case were 'substantially similar in colour, wording, design and actual container shapes used'.