andrew tate expresses disappointment in florida gov ron desantis for caving to media pressure

Andrew Tate Expresses Disappointment In Florida Gov. Ron Desantis For Caving To Media Pressure

Andrew Tate said he was disappointed in Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday while speaking on a podcast several days after he and his brother, Tristan, who are charged with human trafficking in Romania, returned to the U.S.

Andrew Tate appeared on the PBD Podcast , hosted by Patrick Bet-David, and said DeSantis likely caved to media pressure last week when he told reporters that the Tates weren't welcome in Florida, after they landed in Fort Lauderdale on Thursday. DeSantis said Florida's attorney general was examining whether the state may have any jurisdiction over the brothers' alleged crimes, and if so, how to hold them accountable. In court documents, the Tates have said they are not and have never been Florida residents.

"I don't know why Ron's answer wasn't, 'He has an American passport. The judicial system in Romania, which I know absolutely nothing about, decided to let him fly, and he's flown to his home country. As far as we're concerned, he's broken no laws,'" Tate said. "Instead, what he did was say: 'We're going to get our attorney general to try and find some laws he's broken and wreck this man who's done nothing inside of the United States ever.'"

In contrast, Tate described U.S. President Donald Trump as 'such a boss" in his response to reporters about the Tate brothers . A reporter asked Trump if his administration had pressured the Romanian government to release the brothers, and Trump said, "I know nothing about that."

Andrew Tate , 38, is a former professional kickboxer and self-described misogynist who has amassed more than 10 million followers on the social platform X. He and his brother Tristan Tate, 36, are vocal supporters of Trump.