Ancyl Supports Gpu But Wants Positions In Lesufi's Cabinet

3 Days(s) Ago    👁 126
ancyl supports gpu but wants positions in lesufis cabinet

The ANC Youth League (ANCYL) in Gauteng has commended Premier Panyaza Lesufis firm decision of not giving the DA positions in his executive council (cabinet) but have slammed their own exclusion.

Gauteng ANCYL convener Ntsako Mogobe has said they are disappointed with Lesufis decision not to include the youth in his cabinet.

The ANC Youth League is deeply disappointed and strongly condemns the decision by the Premier to consciously exclude young persons in his executive.

The ANC must explain why there is no young person in the executive, ignoring the fact that we have capable young MPLs who are under the age of 35, he said.

The Gauteng ANCYL briefed the media on Friday in Johannesburg about what they said should be top priority for the new executive council.