After Calling The Nhi Act Unaffordable, Busa Meets With Ramaphosa

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after calling the nhi act unaffordable busa meets with ramaphosa

Business Unity South Africa (Busa) and President Cyril Ramaphosa met this week to discuss the business organisation's major concerns over the controversial National Health Insurance (NHI) Act.

According to the Presidency, the meeting also included the Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi and the Deputy Minister, Dr Joe Phaahla.

Business and government expressed a shared commitment to the underlying objectives of the NHI, namely to achieve universal health coverage for all South Africans and address inequality in the health system, the Presidency said.

The president has requested that Busa submit specific proposals on the remaining issues of concern as a basis for further engagement.

Government remains committed to engaging with all stakeholders in good faith on the process of healthcare reform, and to finding workable solutions that will advance quality and affordable healthcare for all, the Presidency said.