Afriforum Is Spreading 'racist' Misinformation About Sa: Ramaphosa

afriforum is spreading racist misinformation about sa ramaphosa

President Cyril Ramaphosa has criticised civil society groups AfriForum and Solidarity for spreading racist misinformation about South Africa in the US.

Speaking during a question-and-answer session in Parliament on Tuesday 11 March, Ramaphosa accused the two groups of being non-patriotic.

Ramaphosa slams AfriForum, Solidarity

I have expressed my concern and disappointment at what AfriForum and Solidarity have been doing in spreading misinformation about their own country in the United States, he said.

I regard that as being non-patriotic because when you are a patriot of a country, you resolve the problems you have in the country rather than damage the sovereignty of your country by running off to other countries and expecting them to take action against your own country.

Since at least 2018, AfriForum has engaged in an international campaign against what it calls race-based laws in South Africa.

In August 2018, three months after it sent a delegation to the US, President Donald Trump in his first term instructed his secretary of state to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers.

In February this year, Trump went further and announced a funding cut to South Africa and a refugee policy for Afrikaners escaping discrimination.

AfriForum and Solidarity received further criticism when they visited Washington last week and called on the Trump administration to take action against African National Congress and government leaders.

Instigated Trumps actions

In part, they have instigated the action that is now being taken against the people of South Africa, Ramaphosa said.

I take a very negative view of what has ensued as they run around the world badmouthing their own country and putting it into disrepute, not by things that are happening, but by misinformation.