Africa's Agritourism Potential Needs Turbocharging

107 Days(s) Ago    👁 60
africas agritourism potential needs turbocharging

Africas agritourism industry has changed dramatically since the COVID-19 pandemic. However, more needs to be done to turbocharge the industry by giving people a taste of the magic of farm life, according to Founder and MD ofAgritourism Africa, Jacqui Taylor .

Taylor further believes that agritourism in Africa is not just a low-hanging fruit for the tourism industry, but also for rural communities and farmers.

Agritourism, a branch of rural tourism, encompasses a variety of practices worldwide, including farm tourism, agriculture tourism, and wine tourism, among others. This niche focuses on visitors engaging with active agricultural environments for relaxation, education, or recreation.

Agritourism Africa serves as the link between interested tourists and all the role players in agritourism. It serves as an information hub highlighting tourism experiences on farms across Africa, allowing local and international tourists to incorporate visits to these farms as part of their travel plans.

Agritourism Africa, reportedly the only agritourism association in Africa, also provides advice and guidance to its members, assists members with marketing and promotions, and represents agritourism at governmental, tourism and organised agricultural institutions.