Africa Urged To Turn To Trade As Aid Declines

africa urged to turn to trade as aid declines

In an interactive session with delegates at the Expert's Segment of the Conference of African Finance Ministers in Addis Ababa, ECA Executive Secretary Claver Gatete said disruptions in global trade policy and the retreat of aid and concessional finance signalled that it was time for Africa to look inward and embrace home-grown solutions.

"The aid is declining and we as Africans may as well forget about it and focus on trade and investment. We have to look inward and see what we can do differently as intra-African trade has remained the same for decades," Gatete said.

He said there are many new players helping to plug the gaps in infrastructure and other funding, including India and funds from the Middle East nations.

But the playing field is not level, he said citing the fact that the IMF shareholding for the entire continent is equivalent to that Germany. "How can that be fair?"

Gatete emphasized the need for Africa to take a different approach internally even as it fought for a fairer deal with the international community.