abb launches efficiencyfocused series for pulp and paper sector

Abb Launches Efficiency-focused Series For Pulp And Paper Sector

ABB has launched a new series of industry papers under its global Real Progress sustainability programme, detailing innovations within the pulp and paper sector.

The three-part series will explore strategies to reduce carbon emissions and improve resource efficiency in the industry with contributions from global companies sharing best practices and insights.

The inaugural paper, Innovating for Tomorrow: How the Pulp and Paper Industry is Turning the Page for a Sustainable Future, features input from Sappi in South Africa.

Sustainable packaging is not only a huge opportunity for us as a business as consumers are becoming more conscious of the environmental concerns of using plastic but we know we can create products that will benefit the world, says Tracy Wessels, Group Head of Sustainability and Investor Relations at Sappi.

Other international organisations showcased include Mets Group, Smurfit Westrock, Sdra, Modellfabrik Papier, Metsteollisuus and UPM China. Notable initiatives include Smurfit Westrocks development of paper-based alternatives to plastic packaging and Sdras production of renewable textile fibres from recycled clothing.

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