A Fearless Leader Who Did Not Flinch In The Face Of Adversity

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a fearless leader who did not flinch in the face of adversity

There are many lessons from our past. Now is the time for those that are progressive, politically and socially active in the non-governmental field to come together to ensure that we:

  • Build consensus around a common platform of progressive politics,
  • Not focus on ourselves, but rather on what we can do for the majority of our people and,
  • Improve the standard of living of South Africans expeditiously and ethically.

Let us open a new chapter on united, progressive, mass mobilisation and campaigning which builds national unity, social cohesion and a new optimism and determination to build a better South Africa.

This was Pravin Gordhans final message delivered on his behalf to the NICs 130th commemoration held in Durban on September 8, 2024.

It captures the fighting spirit of a comrade whom the apartheid regime failed to break despite subjecting him to torture, imprisonment and unrelenting harassment.

Later on, he displayed the same fighting spirit when he led the charge against state capture and malfeasance. This time around, despite him and his family being subjected to intense vilification and harassment from his own comrades, he refused to be intimidated.